Package org.z3950.zing.cql

Class Summary
CQLAndNode Represents an AND node in a CQL parse-tree.
CQLBooleanNode Represents a boolean node in a CQL parse-tree.
CQLGenerator A generator that produces random CQL queries.
CQLNode Represents a node in a CQL parse-tree.
CQLNotNode Represents a NOT node in a CQL parse-tree.
CQLOrNode Represents an OR node in a CQL parse-tree.
CQLParser Compiles CQL strings into parse trees of CQLNode subtypes.
CQLPrefix Represents a CQL prefix mapping from short name to long identifier.
CQLPrefixNode Represents a prefix node in a CQL parse-tree.
CQLProxNode Represents a proximity node in a CQL parse-tree.
CQLRelation Represents a relation between a CQL index and term.
CQLSortNode Represents a sort node in a CQL parse-tree.
CQLTermNode Represents a terminal node in a CQL parse-tree.
Modifier Represents a single modifier, consisting of three elements: a type, a comparision and a value.
ModifierSet Represents a base String and a set of Modifiers.

Exception Summary
CQLParseException Exception indicating that an error ocurred parsing CQL.
MissingParameterException Exception indicating that a required property was not specified.
PQFTranslationException Base class for exceptions occurring when translating parse trees to PQF.
UnknownIndexException Exception indicating that an index was not recognised.
UnknownPositionException Exception indicating that a position was not recognised.
UnknownRelationException Exception indicating that a relation was not recognised.
UnknownRelationModifierException Exception indicating that a relation modifier was not recognised.