cql-java, version 0.4 - Changes
21st November 2002
Changes between versions
of the cql-java distribution:
- Add support for the new phonetic relation modifier,
including its mapping in etc/pqf.properties.
- Make prefix-maps bind loosely, so that
>dc=x a and b applies the
dc=x binding to both the a and b
- Change the XCQL output to include the nasty (but official)
<leftOperand> and <rightOperand>
wrapper elements.
- Change the XCQL output to use the nasty (but official)
rendition of prefix-mapping: a <prefixes>
element, containing one of more <prefix>es may
appear at the top of either a <searchClause> or
a <triple>.
- Include test/regression/xmlpp.pl in the distribution:
this XML canonicaliser may now be used for testing whether a
CQL compiler produces equivalent XCQL to what's in the
regression test, rather than requiring byte-identical output.
- Include the reference XCQL output in the distribution, for
the regression test suite to run against.
- Change build process so that javadoc documentation is built
by make in the docs directory. There's now
a top-level Makefile that builds the source, runs the
test suite and creates the documentation.
- Write javadoc comments for CQLRelation and
- Other improvements to javadoc comments (e.g. describe the
config parameter to the toPQF() method.)
- Sort out the licence: I've settled on the LGPL.
- Remove the redundant and misleading etc/Grammar file.
- Fix up various Maintenance Agency web addresses that have
moved in the great ZING-release shake-up.